Flutter vs React Native which platform is good in 2023?


Flutter and React Native are the two most prominent players in the market for cross-platform app development. You may have an idea for an app but can be confused when deciding between Flutter and React Native.

Whether you are interested in React Native app development or Flutter app development, both have advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends on whether you prefer native app development or cross-platform app development.

So, don’t worry; rest assured, I will solve your problem quickly in this blog.

What is Flutter? Advantages and Disadvantages | Top Famous Apps Created with Flutter

Flutter is a trendy framework backed by Google and the Dart programming language. In comparing React Native vs. Flutter, most developers choose Flutter to create Flutter app.

Many top companies worldwide use Flutter to create great apps. Currently, more than 500,000 apps are created with Flutter app development.

  1. Google Ads: 4.3 stars rating, 10M+ downloads
  2. Cryptograph
  3. Postmuse
  4. Hookle: 4.4 Star ratings, 100k downloads
  5. Alibaba: More than 100 million downloads, 4.5-star ratings
  6. eBay Motors

Flutter Advantages and Disadvantages

Flutter Advantages in Flutter App Development

  • Hot Reload: Hot reload makes the Flutter application development faster because of the ability to change the code without stopping it. Creating a Flutter app, it’s the best factor in improving app development.
  • Single Codebase: It’s another advantage that you can use the same code base in Flutter app development. You can use the same codebase with more minor changes from iOS to Android. It saves time and money and increases revenue and productivity too.
  • Native 2D Graphics Library: Half the work is made easy in Flutter app development. Flutter has its own 2D graphics library known as Skia.
  • Builds Great Designs: In Flutter Application Development, developers can create great designs without using other modules, which gives great UX and UI. The purpose of making the Flutter app is also a crucial factor.
  • Same UI: Flutter works for multiple platforms also with older ones too. So, you don’t have to worry about old OS during Flutter application development.
  • MVPs Suitability: Flutter allows faster flutter application development when it comes to MVP creation. Flutter is a perfect choice because of its rapid growth and deployment capability.

Disadvantages of Flutter in Flutter App Development

  • Comparably Smaller Community: Yes, Flutter has a smaller community than React Native because maybe Flutter is two years younger than React Native. Also, JavaScript is more popular than Dart.
  • Fewer Libraries & Support: Flutter got fewer libraries and comparably less support than React Native. It can be a downside, but if you neglect it, you are good at creating a Flutter app.
  • Lack of CI/CD Support: Flutter only supports some CI/CD tools. So, in Flutter application development, developers must use the custom script for testing and implementation.
  • Dependency for Platform: Guess if Google will stop the Flutter project. Developers in Flutter app development can be at more significant risk. They can even lose a project if Google does so. But there are very few chances.

What is React Native? Advantages & Disadvantages | Top Apps Created with React Native

React Native is like Flutter; it’s open source, has cross-platform support, and was developed by Facebook in 2015, older than Flutter, and it uses the JavaScript programming language.

It’s primarily used for a variety of React Native app development. React Native supports Android, iOS, Windows, and web apps.

Many prominent market players use React Native for Mobile application development:

  • Instagram
  • Walmart
  • Tesla
  • Skype
  • Airbnb

React Native Advantages & Disadvantages

Here are some of the essential upsides (pros) and downsides (cons) of React Native that you should watch out for. To create React Native app, knowing them before going with them is necessary.

React Native Advantages

  • Fast Refresh: It helps a lot in React Native app development. It’s pretty much like Flutter’s hot reload feature. So, it has two main components: live and hot reload. It makes it easy to edit source code and view the results on the go. Also, some limitations can be overcome by lazy loading native modules.
  • Single Codebase: Like Flutter, in React Native app development, a single codebase with minimal changes can be used for multiple platforms.
  • Broad Compatibility: It’s evident that behind React Native, JavaScript is there, and JavaScript is widely used. From React Native app development to other mobile and web app development, it is used everywhere. So, in this battle of Flutter vs. React Native, React Native wins the race.
  • Freedom for Developer: It’s another battle of Flutter vs. React Native. But here also, React Native wins because developers are free to use components within React Native. to create React Native apps, which can be helpful.
  • Maturity: React Native wins because React Native is two years older and has several more stable updates that improve React Native.
  • More Extensive Community: React Native has a more significant community than the Flutter framework. React Native also has many UI designs, Libraries, documentation, and more. There are also comparably more third-party libraries than Flutter.
  • Flat Learning Curve: React Native wins: Why? React Native uses JavaScript programming language, and Flutter uses Dart programming language. JavaScript is more widely used than Dart. So, developers are very comfortable jumping in for React Native app development.
  • Less Testing: React Native wins because, in React Native application development, developers don’t have to test apps on all the platforms. They can try on a single platform because of common characteristics. Creating React Native app can be more helpful.

React Native Disadvantages (Cons)

  • Not Truly Native Feeling: In the battle of Flutter vs. React Native, Flutter wins the race because React Native doesn’t feel native even if it’s Native, but Flutter does.
  • Bigger App size than the native one: The app developed with React Native needs a JavaScript VM to run, but on the other hand, native apps don’t need a JavaScript VM. In this battle of Flutter vs. React Native, Flutter wins the race. To create React Native app, if a big app size doesn’t bother you, you can go with React Native.

Ecosystem and Community Support

  • React Native was launched in 2015 and has been gaining popularity ever since. The framework has a large community of developers on GitHub, as well as numerous meetups and conferences held around the world.
  • Flutter is two years behind, but it has already received a lot of attention, especially due to Google’s promotion. The Flutter community is still smaller compared to React Native, however it is growing rapidly these days, and many meetups and conferences are also organized.

Other Downsides of React Native:

  • Unstable UI
  • Many resources outdated
  • Needs a decision

When to Use Flutter ?

  • App is larger and requires performance
  • You want to reduce the time to market
  • App requires a lot of customization or specific tasks

When to Use React Native?

  • Project requires 3D rendering
  • You want multi-platform assistance
  • You plan to reuse code for a web app

Summing Up

Both frameworks are excellent for building apps across multiple target platforms, and it is difficult to choose any of those as superior in the contest of Flutter vs React Native in 2023.


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